Squamous papilloma of eyelid pathology. Sinonimele și antonimele papilloma în dicționarul de sinonime Engleză

Data is Klimicsh 2 and from authoritative database Effect on fertility: via inhalation route Endpoint conclusion: Effect on fertility: via dermal route Endpoint conclusion: Additional information Reproductive toxicity study Data available from different studies were reviewed to determine the reproductive toxicity of testchemical.

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The studies are as mentioned below: Study 1 In squamous papilloma of eyelid pathology 28 days repeated dose toxicity study, the effect of the test chemical was evaluated in male and female Sprague Dawley rats. No significant changes in were detected in hematology,clinical biochemistry,mortality ororgan weight, and no effects were observed in water consumption,opthalmoscopic examination or locomotor activity.

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  • Apasă pentru a vedea definiția originală «papilloma» în dicționarul Engleză dictionary.
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Study 2 In a chronic study Male and female CD-1 mice were administered test chemical in diet at levels of 0 control0. The animals were observed for clinical sign,mortality,body weight ,food intake, hematology,gross and histopathology There were no significant differences in mortality between the control and treated groups.

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Mean body weights of high-dose groups showed significant decreases compared with the controls. Microscopic findings in the kidneys of treated mice included the nephrosis, hydronephrosis or hyperplasia of transitional epithelium of renal pelvis or papilla.

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In the bladder of treated mice, hyperplasia or squamous metaplasia of transitional epithelium and one transitional cell papilloma were observed. Dose-dependent decreases in the squamous papilloma of eyelid pathology of spontaneous lesion in the male or female reproductive system were recognized.

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Thus, comparing this value with the criteria of CLP regulation test material is not likely to classify as reproductive toxicant. When rats were treated with test chemical orally.

Thus, comparing this value with the criteria of CLP regulation test chemical is not likely to classify as reproductive and developmental toxicant. Link to relevant study records Reference.

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