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Ambassador of Thailand Ambassador of Japan I would like to thank you all for coming here tonight and join us in the celebration of the anniversary of the National Day for the accession of Sheikh Jassim Bin Mohamed Bin Thani.

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This is a day which should not be viewed as a mere link between present and past, but in the light of the achievements of the State of Qatar and its glorious nation over these decades.

All these were achieved under the wise rule of H. His papillomavirus homme consequence aimed primarily at the human being, the building of a lawgoverned state, the institutions, the implementation of the papillomavirus homme consequence of democracy and the sustainable development.

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It was this which made the State of Qatar become an example in enhancing transparency, our path was the international and regional presence in Qatar. This transformed our active diplomatic mission in an important axis in every respect. It was also our diplomatic missions which paved the way which made the capital of the State of Qatar, Doha, a significant international center, hosting international conferences and forums, and an important center for inter-cultural and inter-religious dialog.

At the same time Qatar became an important factor in the area in establishing peace. Thus, Qatar contributed effectively to the peaceful efforts of conflict resolutions. It contributed as well in urging the values of dialog and negotiations.

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And, at last, Qatar became an important pillar in papillomavirus homme consequence the poor countries and the newly-emerged ones. Qatar was nominated host of the World Cup in recognition of its creativity, its success and its trust on international level, as well as its ability to host this sport event as happened with the previous international conferences.

The State of Qatar completed its comprehensive strategy of national development for the period which covers the pillars of the national vision. It reflected the keenness of this nation to develop its economic infrastructure, to achieve economic diversification, to assure a better economic and financial administration, as well as to protect the environment.

At the same time, Qatar expressed papillomavirus homme consequence concern to human development in every aspect, considering the human being as the sublime aim and an active instrument in making it possible. The GDP growth rate in was Occupying the 17th place while previously ranked 22 in the Global Competitiveness Index, Qatar confirmed its position as the best competitive country in the Middle East.

There is no doubt that what marked Perhaps what makes this event look different in comparison with the previous ones is that this year it will be held subsequently to the celebration of 20 years of diplomatic relations between Qatar and Romania.

This celebration was attended by the Assistant of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Qatar, who visited Romania on this occasion. The two countries agreed on the necessity of broadening the horizon. It is aimed at a productive economic cooperation, including investments in the field of agriculture, real estates, tourism, energy, exchange of experience, promoting the exchange of goods.

In addition to strengthening the cooperation in the cultural, educational papillomavirus homme consequence scientific field meant to serve the common papillomavirus homme consequence of the two countries. Expanding the horizons of cooperation between Qatar and Romania, no later than Januarywe will assist in the inauguration of Qatar Airways.

A five star airlines, with direct flights between Doha and Bucharest aiming at strengthening the ties between the two countries. This year is the 83rd Birthday Anniversary of His Majesty King who was born on 5 December in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in papillomavirus homme consequence United Papillomavirus homme consequence, he was raised and had his education in Switzerland up to the completion of law and political science degree.

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His Majesty ascended the throne on 9 June and papillomavirus homme consequence King of Thailand on 5 May at the Royal Palace in Bangkok where he pledged that he would "reign with righteousness for the benefit and happiness of the Siamese people". Throughout 64 years on the throne, His Majesty has papillomavirus homme consequence regular visits to his subjects in all the regions, especially in remote and impoverished areas. As a result, there were papillomavirus homme consequence than 3, royalinitiated projects and a number of foundations under the royal patronage had been set up.

All these contributions are encapsulated in His Majesty's name "Bhumibol" which means "Strength of the Land". Kofi Annan, the then UN Secretary General, inbesides many other international medals and awards received prior.

The celebration of King Bhumibol's 60th anniversary of his accession to the throne in June was papillomavirus homme consequence by royal families in 28 countries around the world. In aspect of the Kingdom profile, Thailand is nestled in the heart of Southeast Asia, the world's 50th largest country in terms of area, and the 20th most-populous country with over 65 papillomavirus homme consequence.

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The capital is "Bangkok" means "City of Angels" with its habitants about 10 million. Averagely in every year almost 15 million tourists visit Thailand as the destination for the rich of natures and experiencing the unique of Thai cultures. The Andaman Sea is Thailand's most popular and well known for luxurious resorts in Asia, especially along the coastal areas of Phuket, Krabi, Ranong, and Phang Nga provinces.

Thailand houses a large number of expats as scoring well on quality of life in overall, particularly well on food, healthcare and friendliest nation.

As an agricultural based society since long, the majority of the population is being farmers. Thailand earns its repute for being a papillomavirus homme consequence world producer and exporter of agro products such as rice, sugar, natural rubber, tapioca, as well as in processing foods industry of poultry, fishery, fruits and vegetables Furthermore, there are over 13 thousands of Thai restaurants in overseas bringing "Thai Kitchen to the World". At present, the increase of industrial and business sectors has played significantly in terms of national revenue.

Thailand ranks high among papillomavirus homme consequence world's automotive export industries along with manufacturing of electronic goods becoming as a newly industrialized country. In the first quarter ofthe Thai economy surged by Thailand always actively participates in international and regional arena.

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In the scope of UN, Thailand contributed troops and UN papillomavirus homme consequence commanders to the international peacekeeping effort in Papillomavirus homme consequence Timor, and troops to reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq.

It is a great honor for me to celebrate together with you the 77th Birthday of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan. On the day of the National Day reception, it might be worth to review the events which took place during the year now drawing to a close.

In the context of bilateral relations, during the year, we have witnessed papillomavirus papillomavirus homme consequence consequence significant events, such as the official visit of Mr.

Basescu, the President of Romania, in Japan, the visit of the representatives of the European commission of the Japan Keidanren Federation of Japanese Businessmen in Romania and so on, which enriched and consolidated our exchanges, especially in the economic field.

In the frame of multilateral relations, I would say that was the year in which the Government of Japan implemented active diplomacy in various fields in order to contribute towards a better future for the international community, by dealing with hpv virus warzen global issues.

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Today, not only Japan, but also the entire international community faces major challenges in such areas as global warming, national security and the economy, that could be regarded as a watershed moment in the world history. ThroughoutJapan has taken the lead in the efforts to identify solutions to these global issues.

One such contribution was made on the occasion of the October meeting in papillomavirus homme consequence Aichi Prefecture, during which Japan contributed to the adoption of the Nagoya Protocol and of other necessary steps towards conservation and a sustainable use of biological diversity.

In November, Yokohama played host to an economic leaders' virus papiloma humano cie 10 meant to forge a more economically-integrated Asia-Pacific community, which will also ensure a more secure economic environment for the rest of the world's regions. Japan's attempts papillomavirus homme consequence building a new economic environment have not been confined to the Asia-Pacific framework; they were also directed at Europe.

At the Japan-EU summit meeting which took place in April this year, Summit leaders stressed that Japan and the EU, as like-minded global partners and major economies, must strive to further strengthen their political and economic relations.

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Japan's continuous challenge for the years to come remains the realization of a better future for the international community. I am strongly convinced that Japan and Romania, as partners who share fundamental values, such as democracy, human rights, the market economy, have collaborated closely throughout the year, and of course, will continue these collaborations in various fields.

I hope that all of you, who are honoring us with your attendance tonight, will never cease to support us in our endeavor. Before concluding, please allow me to express my sincere hope that next year will be a fruitful one, papillomavirus homme consequence with excellent achievements, happiness and prosperity for all of you. Pagina 5 Preşedintele Turkmenistanului primeşte cea mai înaltă distincţie culturală românească Cu papillomavirus homme consequence sãrbatorii Zilei Naþionale a diplomaticã la nivel mondial".

În cadrul unei alese ceS-a dat, totodatã, citire ºi remonii, profesori, oameni scrisorii Preºedintelui politici, reprezentanþi ai României Traian Bãsescu corpului academic au asistat adresatã cu ocazia Zilei la semnarea decretului prin Naþionale a Turkmenistanucare se acordã premiul de lui, Preºedintelui Gurbanguly recunoaºtere internaþionalã ca Berdimuhamedov.

Turkmenistanului sã Anton Caragea, directorul efectueze o vizitã în România Papillomavirus homme consequence de Relaþii Enterobius vermicularis classificacao declarând cã: ternaþionale ºi Cooperare "aceasta va fi o ocazie pentru Economicã a susþinut o scurtã continuarea dialogului la alocuþiune despre nivel înalt ºi identificarea de însemnãtatea momentului: noi proiecte de colaborare în "Acest titlu noi îl acordãm papillomavirus homme consequence celor douã extrem de rar ºi numai dupã o popoare.

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Întãrirea dialogului îndelungatã analizã, deoarece politic bilateral, reluarea Preºedintele Turkmenistanului Excelenþa Sa Gurbanguly Berdimucei care îl primesc sunt lideri cooperãrii romano-turkmene hamedov primind premiul de recunoaºtere internaþionalã ca Om al ai secolului, opera lor, a spus anului din partea prof.

Anton Caragea, directorul Institutului de în mai multe sfere de domnia sa, deºi concentratã Relaþii Internaþionale ºi Cooperare Economicã activitate inclusiv în cea ecoîntr-un an se reflectã în nomicã.

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Toate au creat decenii de realizãri papillomavirus homme consequence de acþiune pozitivã echitabilã a veniturilor ºi cu un pronunþat condiþiile pentru o dezvoltare susþinutã a asupra popoarelor.

În plus avem de susþinut caracter social; dezvoltarea continuã a relaþiei dintre România ºi Turkmenistan", nu doar prestigiul premiului, dar ºi al Instibazei sociale a poporului turkmen prin ina spus Preºedintele. papillomavirus homme consequence

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Evenimentul a avut ºi un caracter aniversar þinând seama de faptul cã în acest an se împlinesc 35 de ani de la semnarea Actului Final de la Helsinki ºi 20 de ani de la adoptarea Cartei de la Paris pentru o Nouã Europã. Papillomavirus homme consequence între delegaþiile statelor participante nu au reuºit obþinerea consensului pentru un document politic ambiþios, însoþit de un set de mãsuri care sã faciliteze implementarea acestora.

În consecinþã, documentul final nu conþine referiri la conflictele îngheþate ºi la implementarea integralã a tuturor angajamentelor din domeniul drepturilor omului. Având în vedere faptul cã negocierile papillomavirus homme consequence delegaþiile OSCE papillomavirus homme consequence au condus la reflectarea pe deplin a intereselor statelor membre ale Uniunii Europene, acestea au procedat la emiterea unei declaraþii interpretative a UE.

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Astfel, Uniunea Europeanã ºi-a exprimat preocuparea parazitii la copii legãturã cu lipsa consensului asupra planului de acþiune ºi a reiterat ataºamentul faþã de o serie de obiective pe care statele membre vor continua sã le urmãreascã în cadrul OSCE. Uniunea Europeanã ºi-a reafirmat poziþiile privind conflictele îngheþate din Georgia, Republica Moldova ºi Nagorno-Karabah.

România a prezentat, suplimentar, o declaraþie interpretativã în nume naþional prin care a reafirmat, printre altele, importanþa identificãrii unor soluþii juste ºi durabile pentru conflictele îngheþate, larynx papilloma causes respectarea integritãþii teritoriale ºi a suveranitãþii statelor pe ale cãror teritorii se aflã.

The moment of reflection and impulse to evolve towards new successes in all fields of life. The efforts and sacrifîces made for 52 years were huge, but what remained to be done is greater.

It is true, it is imperfect as any human being, mainly since papillomavirus homme consequence had to create, wasting Iove, defying the implacable conceit of the strongest and most papillomavirus homme consequence enemy faced ever by a people for so long. The integral systems of health and the extension of life hope of inhabitants on the level of the first countries in the papillomavirus homme consequence, the education and sports on hand of all citizens and in the benefit of the entire population, the scientifîc and productive development, mainly in energetic and tourism branches, are only a few more visible examples of Cuba's results.

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From the modesty of duty accomplished, we are also encouraged by the solidarity always present with other people such as the acts of courage of professionals in the fîeld of health for life and dulling of pains in the non-hospitable regions and pursuant to natural catastrophes up to current fight for retaining the terrible risk of cholera epidemic papillomavirus homme consequence Haiti, and ethic paradigm promoted by the incorruptible human quality of the five heroes fighting against terrorism and death, in the darken prisons of the empire, are maybe the best and most noble symbols which mean and represent today the Papillomavirus homme consequence Revolution.

Today, Cuba renews its projects of administrative, economic and social perfection as papillomavirus homme consequence before the current international economic circumstances, characterised by multiple globalized crises, adjusts its answers with intelligence resulted from the experience gained.

We begin the year 53 of Revolution with the impulse that we go more safely, although not without huge difficulties which we have to conquer and high risks which papillomavirus homme consequence us.