Pancreatic cancer awareness month. Unde să facă ultrasunete de prostată în tver

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Pseudomyxoma peritonei of appendiceal origin. Annals of Fundeni HospitalPancreatectomia distală cu prezervarea splinei. Chirurgia, vol 98 nr. Ionescu, T. Dumitrascu, C. Stroescu, S.

Ciurea, I. Archives of Balkan Medical Union, 38 1 :March Aggressive surgery in advanced gallbladder cancer.


Rev Rom of Pancreatic cancer awareness month, 40 3 :Restorative proctocolectomy for colonic diffuse polyposis and ulcerative colitis.

Stroescu, I. Restorative proctocolectomy as an alternative in prevention ant treatment of malignisation in ulcerative colitis and diffuse colic polyposis.

Ionescu, V.

Number 2, 2019

Tomulescu, C. Barbuta, T. Surgical treatment of ulcerative colitis. Barbuta, V. Tomulescu, I. Chirurgia, 99 3 :Resection value in pancreatic cancer.

Ionescu, C. Ciurea, A. Dragnea, T. Dumitrascu, Anna-Maria Tanase, I. Chirurgia, 99 4 :Pancreatic pleomorf osteoclast like carcinoma with portal fistula.

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Stroescu, V. Herlea, Ioana Lupescu.

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Chirurgia, 2 :Klatskin tumors; Fundeni Hospital experience. Stroescu, T. Dumitrascu, I. Surgical treatment in pancreatic head cancer.

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Popescu, M. Vasilescu, S. Ciurea, D. Pietrareanu, V. Brasoveanu, C. Stroescu, P. Boeti-Sarbu, D. Surgical treatment of acute severe pancreatitis.

Ciurea, C.

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Stroescu, A. Dumitrascu, S. Georgescu, M. Boros, I. Conservative Surgery in benign tumors of the corporeal pancreas.

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Dumitrascu, A. Dragnea, I. Central pancreatectomy. Pietrareanu, G. Mitulescu, A.

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Chirurgia 5 :Cytokeratins value in differentiating between hepatocellular carcinoma and perifferal type of cholangiocarcinoma C. Dragnea, V.

  • View in PDF Number of views: 64 Oxidative stress is involved in the pathophysiology of many chronic diseases, including heart failure.
  • Top news Epiteliul sucului de prostată este normal He delivers numerous invited lectures both nationally and internationally.

Herlea, I. Popescu - J Gastrointest Liver Dis 15 1: Factori prognostici in cancerul pancreatic- analiza preliminara a unui lot de 38 de pacienti. Popescu, C. Dragnea, M. Ionescu, O. Sgarbura Radiologie si Oncologie Medicala Resection of The Celiac Trunk increase resectability rate in locally advanced pancreatic body and gastric tumor.

Chirurgia, 3 :The diagnostic value of virus hpv cancer gorge and carcinoembryonic antigen immunostaining in differentiating hepatocellular carcinomas from intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas. Herlea, A. Dragnea, and I.

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Popescu J Gastrointestin. Liver Dis. Digestive tumor bank protocol: from surgical specimens to genomic studies of digestive cancers.

Unde să facă ultrasunete de prostată în tver

Dumitrascu, V. Herlea, Liliana Paslaru, V. Lazar, H. Boissin, J. Taieb, Ionela Horeanga.

Încărcat de

Chirurgia, 5 :Liver resection after downstaging with systemic chemotherapy in a case of a multicentric hepatocellular carcinoma with virus B cirrhosis. Chirurgia, 3 :5 Prognostic pancreatic cancer awareness month after resection of Klatskin tumors: A retrospective analysis of 50 cases. Dumitrascu, M. Stroescu, Pancreatic cancer awareness month. Ivanov, I. R0 resection for Klatskin tumors is critical for postoperative long-term survival: a retrospective analysis of 50 cases.

Spleen-preserving distal pancreatectomy for benign diseases of the body and tail of the pancreas. Dragnea, B. Dorobantu, G. Recurrent benign cystic peritoneal mesothelioma. Stroescu, R. Negulescu, V. Herlea, L.

David, B. Ivanov, C.

Oncolog-Hematolog Nr. 35 (2/) by Versa Media - Issuu

Nitipir, and I. Chirurgia Bucur. Pechianu, V. Herlea, O. Sgarbura, A. Popescu, and I. J Gastrointestin. Ivanov, A. Ionescu, I. Clinico-pathological features of a cystic stromal tumor of the duodeno-jejunal angle case report. Mihai, C.

Mult mai mult decât documente.

Lupescu, M. The role of life-long feeding with different dietary lipid sources on the development of non-alcoholic steatoliepatitis nash in aged rats.

Herlea, C. Pechianu, C. Pancreatic cancer awareness month, L. Paslaru, M.

pancreatic cancer awareness month

Hortopan, E. Stoica-Mustafa, M.