Ovarian cancer on birth control. Contraceptivele orale - riscuri si beneficii

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Birth control pills have been used by more than million women worldwide. For long-term users, the benefits of the pill are still seen in diminished ovarian and endometrial cancers; but women who took the pill for more than eight years were twice as likely to get cervical cancer.

Docbook Ce sunt contraceptivele orale Contraceptivele orale sau anticonceptionalele, asa cum sunt cunoscute de majoritatea persoanelor, sunt pastile care se consuma pentru a evita aparitia unei sarcini si sunt recunoscute drept cea mai sigura metoda de contraceptie. Acestea reprezinta un anumit control asupra perioadei in care va doriti un copil si contin anumite preparate hormonale. In cazul in care folositi contraceptive ce contin o combinatie de estrogen si progesteron, procesul de impiedicare al aparitiei unei sarcini implica stoparea eliberarii ovarian cancer on birth control care joaca un rol in dezvoltarea ovulelor si pregatirea uterului pentru sarcina.

The study, published in the British Medical Journal, comes 50 years after the pill garnered FDA approval to help regulate the periods of women with menstrual disorders. Since then, it has also helped more than ovarian cancer on birth control women worldwide avoid pregnancy by blocking ovulation.

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Because of controversy ovarian cancer on birth control its use, researchers kept meticulous data about the women who first took it and the conditions they developed. But long-term pill takers were 20 percent more likely to develop cancer.

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However, increased cancer among long-term users was primarily cervical cancer, which was not aggressively screened for until He recommends that women using the pill for a long time recognize they have an increased risk and remember to go in for their annual screenings. Miriam Cremmer, ovarian cancer on birth control family planning specialist at New York University Medical Center, agrees that long-term pill users should not be too concerned.

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Cremmer noted that she and her colleagues were not concerned because the risk increase was relatively small and only found for easily identified cancer types.